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22nd. January.2025

We would like to extend our thanks for the support and generous terms offered by Stowag and their suppliers Gallagher for the new electric fencing now being used on North Hills.

 27th. November.2024

The Annual society meeting was held in the Brill Sports and Social Club. After minimal formal business members were presented with a fascinating  illustrated talk from John Tyler, a local naturalist, entitled  "Reading the Countryside"


The results of the AGM vote were 35% of the membership responded.  All propositions put forward  were unanimously  agreed upon and no further propositions were submitted.  The board wish to thank the membership for their confidence in the running of the society. 


After a long period of searching our Herd Manager Pat has finally sourced two new young heifers to compliment our herd; bringing it up to its previous size.  The Society is also extremely grateful to the anonymous donor who donated their cost and thank them publicly for their very generous gift.

 19th April 2024.  Countess Howe makes the formal presentation to the Society of the King's Award - an inscribed glass  trophy and a certificate signed by King Charles 3.  The event took place in the Village Hall and was attended by approaching 100 members.

Our chairperson, Christine Bailey  welcomed the Countess, members and guests.  The Countess, in full military regalia, then gave a brief history of the award and  outlined the reasons our Society was awarded this prestigious honour.

Howard Cox then responded thanking the Countess. With the official presentation completed the attendees were invited to partake in light refreshment and meet our distinguished guests.  A copy of her speech can be viewed 


28 November.     Following the well attended Annual Meeting and illustrated talk ('Life in a Nutshell' by John Tyler) a small celebration was held to  mark the Society's Kings Award for Volunteer Service achievement .

14 November.   BVCH are granted the KING'S AWARD FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE.  This is the MBE for volunteering, the highest and highly prestigious honour for volunteers.  We announce our achievement with a poster campaign  throughout the village. Our public announcement may be seen by clicking                         

1 Nov  Members are encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting and Illustrated talk on Nov.28th   entitled 'Life in a Nutshell'

Sept 2023

Members are reminded to return their AGM Voting papers to the Society office . Closing date November18th.


you may have noticed two fenced off areas inside area 1 since the cows have moved here.  This is protect the occurrence of three species of orchid., namely Pyramidal, Common Spotted and Bee from being trampled. If you should go into these areas please tread carefully so as not to harm them.

March  2023

We are pleased to announce the herd have been given a clean bill of health after being given the all clear at their recent annual bTB test.

November  2022

29 Nov.   Annual Meeting and Talk Cancelled.

23 Nov.  Result of the AGM voting paper - 40.9% members voted unanimously for all propositions.


October 6   2022

It is with sadness we have to report the loss of Pip, one of our herd, following a dog attack 21st. Sept. On veterinary advice her life was ended to prevent further suffering.  The dog owner has accepted full responsibility.


July 26   2022

The society is gifted Wendy by a local family who now joins the herd bringing it up to full strength.


June 12   2022

The Herd move to South Hills

May 2022

The Board reports the Parish Council has agreed to pay in full the costs incurred  pursuing its complaint. This brings this unfortunate matter to a successful conclusion.  An account of the proceedings may be viewed by clicking image to left.             

March 2022

All members of the Herd have successfully passed their annual  Bovine Tuberculosis (bTB) test. (11/3/22)


August 2021


The Society has finally received a letter of apology from the Parish Council for the totally unfounded accusation  published on its website and the time  taken to respond effectively on this matter. (click image on left)    Retrieving  our costs is still ongoing.

This year appears  very good for Ragwort hence several session of Ragwort pulling were arranged as threat to herd could be large.  See DEFRA Ragwort advice

June 2021

The Parish Council defamatory statements made against the Society's Board are still unresolved. (10 June)  It is hoped that the newly elected Council will bring this matter to a speedy conclusion.


April 2021

Following the defamatory statements made against the Society's Board by Councillor Turner during the March Parish Council Meeting and with no satisfactory response from the Parish Council  BVCH  has contacted it's solicitor.

March 2021

A serious accusation regarding the integrity of the BVCH Board was made at the March Parish Council meeting.  A formal complaint has been submitted requesting a retraction of the false statement and investigation into the behaviour of Cllr. Turner before the April PC meeting.  click image to left. 

It is with sadness we have to report one of our herd died suddenly on 14th March having shown no previous sign of distress or ill health. A veterinary post mortem has been arranged and we await their report.

Herd pronounced ALL CLEAR of TB following annual testing


November 2020

AGM postal vote  39.7% return - all propositions carried unanimously. Annual talk cancelled due to coronavirus restrictions


March 2020

Herd have enforced Radial TB test  - pronounced clear


February 2020

Following recommendation  from 'Animal Health' Society purchases raised mineral lick holder to minimise risk of Herd TB infection from badgers.

November 2019

AGM postal vote . 43.6% responded and agreed overwhelmingly to all propositions .

Our annual talk, this years title 'The Lost Forest of Bernwood,' was presented by John Tyler.   John a lifelong conservationist, gave a fascinating illustrated talk on the management of ancient forests and their eventual decline. He then described how one could observe today's remnants of those glorious days.


August 2019

Volunteer group go Ragwort pulling.

 July 2019

Receive notification from APHA (Animal and Plant Health Agency)  that a Bovine TB outbreak had occurred within 3 km of our herd  and that it will therefore have to be tested  20 August and  repeated some  between 6 to 12 months thereafter.  

 February 2019

Our offer to the Parish Council to fund and install two cattle grids on the tracks leading to Tram Hill was declined. This was unfortunate as their installation would have greatly reduced both the the manual work required to enclose the North Hills grazing area and  the unsightly and restrictive electric fencing required.

November 2018

The Speaker at this years Annual meeting  attracted a full House.  Norman  Shepherd,  from Bucks Owl and Raptor Group (BORG)  gave a very knowledgeable and fascinating talk on Buckinghamshire's raptors.


This years AGM postal vote attracted 50% of the eligible membership who overwhelmingly supported all the proposals put to them by the Board.  The Board thank them for their continued support.

September 2018

Herd successfully pass their annual TB test

August 2018

BVCH member designs and builds attachment for BVCH Tractor to transport Cattle hurdles and Cattle Crush.

BVCH 2018 newsletter published


June 2018

New member of herd introduced making nine in total.


December 2017

Installation of four permanant water troughs around Common.


November 2017

Annual Meeting - Illustrated talk by Tim Read , a BBOWT Reserve manager, gave a fascinating insight into the  'Uncommon Wildlife of Brill Common.'

AGM postal vote  33% returns.  All propositions accepted unanimously, including accepting Paul Norman as Society Treasurer


October 2017

Annual TB test of Herd  - All  satisfactory


August 2017

Society purchases a compact tractor to assist with its operations.

BVCH newsletter 2017 published.

Howard Cox retires as Society Treasurer and is replaced by Paul Norman.

November 2016

Annual Meeting - Illustrated talk by John Mole, one of our members, on the history of Dorton Spa.

AGM postal vote  42% returns.  All propositions accepted unanimously.


October 2016

Annual TB test of Herd  - All  satisfactory


September 2016

Tina Tremolio becomes the Society's  new Membership Secretary.

At the Parish Council's request BVCH suggest suitable watering station sites for its herd


July 2016

BVCH Newsletter  2016 published 


May 2016

BVCH  meet City of London Head Ranger at Burnham Beeches to discuss Invisible Fencing (IF)  and its possible application to Brill Common 


March 2016

BVCH play a crucial part in securing five year  Higher Tier Stewardship Funding for Brill Parish Council who will  receive an annual payment of ~£5000,  40% of which is for grazing Brill Common.  However, due to the importance placed on conservation grazing, funding for the grazing element is assured for ten years and further funding is offered for permanent water troughs and invisible fencing.


January 2016

A local family generously donate a new herd member to the Society.


November 2015

Members attending the Annual Meeting were treated to a fascinating illustrated talk given by Helen Read, a conservation officer for the City of London.  She described the role of conservation grazing at Burnham Beeches Nature reserve and their experiences in the use of invisible fencing.


Result of AGM.   47.2% returned - All propositions were approved unanimously with no additional propositions being made. 

Therefore the Society Board has the support of the membership and remains unchanged.


October 2015

The Parish Council submit an 'expression of interest' to enter Higher Tier Countryside Stewardship scheme in which conservation grazing is a major factor.

Annual TB test of Herd  - All  satisfactory


June 2015

The 'Magnificent Seven'  increases to Eight.

In response to professional advice to increase the size of the BVCH herd a new member joined after the recent move to a new grazing area. This young heifer has been trained to respect the electric fencing and has settled in well with her new family. 


May 2015

Kate Ashbrook, general secretary of the Open Spaces Society, meets BVCH and other Community groups who are championing local common ground in the CPR magazine  'Countryside Voice.' (spring edition) 


April 2015

BVCH invited to attend 'Local Spaces: Open Minds' conference.  Five national experts presented papers on various aspects of viable common management. The Society's achievments were championed by Dr. Victoria Edwards, associate professor at Henley Business School who has shown great interest in our achievements.


The Friends of Nettlebed Common are planning further discusssions and visits to Brill as they are also hoping to reinstate grazing.


The National Trust have made contact  with BVCH and wish to visit and talk more in depth about our project.


March 2015

BVCH Volunteers hold a  work-day preparing the BVCH garden site in readiness for a new storage shed. They also painted the existing shed and entrance  gates with materials generously donated by B and Q.  Perimeter brick wall and fence repaired.   K and Z Sheds erect the new shed 


February 2015

The board decided to increase the herd size in response to the FWAG recommendation.  A suitable addition is being found and will be introduced to the herd soon.


January 2015

 At their next meeting Board members will consider whether to increase the size of the herd in response to the interim report on the state of the Common from FWAG.


December 2nd 2014

At our Annual Meeting Deborah Hayter gave a very successful talk entitled 'From Common Land to Private Property: how enclosure shaped the landscape'. Deborah has taught several courses on local history and landscape for OUDCE. She is currently working on an edition of the Hearth taxes for Northamptonshire.


November 2014

Results of AGM circulated to members. A 46% unanimous response confirming all propositions and confidence in the operation of the Society.


October 2014

Annual TB test of Herd  - All  satisfactory








© 2014 all rights reserved

 19 Church Street, Brill,

Bucks. HP18 9RT

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